We are all in this together the massed ranks of the Unionist politicians tell us. Unfortunately some are "in it" to a greater extent than others. The public and private sector workers who have lost or are losing their jobs are certainly "in it". The people being forced to accept savage cuts to their benefits are "in it" as are the people being forced to retire later than planned. The great British tax payers who have bailed out the greedy and corrupt that got us into this mess are "in it". But not it seems the Company directors who have just given themselves a 49% pay rise over the last 12 months.
They are in fact rolling "in it" and revelling in the fact. Nice little earner if you are taking home on average £2.7 Million per annum. We need our own version of the "Arab Spring" to rid ourselves of this assortment of leeches and rogues that corrupt our Society. The "99" movement is a start and I hope the movement will accelerate the realisation of the extent to which "Rip off Britain" pervades every aspect of our lives. The quicker Wales embraces the fact that the only way things will improve is by taking our destiny in our hands, the better! In the meantime the cancer ridden corpse of a failed imperialist experiment should be allowed to disintegrate with whatever grace it can muster!